Infinite USB Plug: Tag team concept design could end external dilemma

It's only in its conceptual stages, but this colourful Infinite USB plug design from China gets our geeky tech juices flowing

Patrick Steen Special to CNET News

Limited USB ports on your new laptop getting you down? The contemporary answer to that problem is a fancy USB Hub, but imagine if your devices could piggyback on to each other like an Infinite USB plug?

That's the concept brought to us by Chinese design student Gonglue Jiang, Engadget reports. Sure, his design may not warm our cockles quite as much as the foldable British plug, but it's still an ace idea.

Gonglue's proposal could have a number of limitations. There may be difficulties with USB devices multitasking due to bandwidth, for instance, and an excessive string of plugs may become unattractive and unwieldy. Plus, not only will you have to buy a new set of leads, the design requires you to unplug devices later in the string to access just one.

Power shortages won't be a problem, however -- an external power adaptor will keep the USB daisy chain juiced up. Consider us intrigued and a tad gloomy that we didn't dream up this idea ourselves.