How to survive in the Web 2.0 jungle

Mike Yamamoto Staff Writer, CNET News.com
Mike Yamamoto is an executive editor for CNET News.com.
Mike Yamamoto

Tips for sometimes seem to churn out as frequently as . But that's no reason to stop posting them, especially given this industry's dubious history.

So today we pass along "11 Suggestions For Not Being a Dot-Bomb 2.0," posted by the blog Dead2.0. One of the tips that resonates with those of us who have been around for awhile the second entry, which begins, "Be a complete business, not just a feature."

But perhaps the most valuable pieces of advice are not necessarily related to Web 2.0 or even to technology at all. The first is "Find some friends who don't drink the Kool-Aid and get their honest feedback" and, perhaps most important of all, "Ignore the hype and have fun."