How to browse Netflix streaming titles more efficiently

It can be difficult to find good Netflix streaming titles to watch using Netflix's interface. Fortunately, there's a way to browse streaming titles more efficiently. We'll show you how.

Ed Rhee
Ed Rhee, a freelance writer based in the San Francisco Bay Area, is an IT veteran turned stay-at-home-dad of two girls. He focuses on Android devices and applications while maintaining a review blog at techdadreview.com.
Ed Rhee

It can be difficult to find good Netflix streaming titles to watch using Netflix's interface. Fortunately, there's a way to bypass its listings entirely so you can browse streaming titles more efficiently.

First, make sure you're logged in to your Netflix account. Then, go to Instantwatcher.com.

Instantwatcher organizes Netflix streaming titles in a more meaningful way than Netflix does themselves. You can find the most popular titles within the last 24 hours, The New York Times picks, what's new, what's expiring soon, by genre, and more. The Web site isn't pretty, but it can be much easier to find interesting videos in list form than the way Netflix lays out titles.

Instantwatcher can make browsing through Netflix streaming titles easier. Screenshot by Ed Rhee

Once you find a title that interests you, you can click on the "play" link to launch the Netflix player in your Web browser or the "queue" link to add it to your instant queue.

Netflix streaming player
Screenshot by Ed Rhee

Add to Netflix queue
Screenshot by Ed Rhee

If you're a Netflix streaming customer, give Instantwatcher a try and see if it helps you find more interesting streaming titles. It's free, so you have nothing to lose.