Home roasted coffee made easy

With the MoreCoffee Coffee Starter Kit, you can be roasting and brewing your own coffee immediately.

Thursday Bram
Thursday Bram is a freelance journalist of over five years experience. She has worked in real estate and property management, learning the hard way the difference between the appliances that people like and the appliances that actually work in a home. Thursday currently lives in Maryland.
Thursday Bram
The Coffee Starter Kit MoreCoffee!

While it seems like most of the coffee-roasting appliances out there have hefty price tags, the MoreCoffee! Coffee Starter Kit provides far more than other roasting systems do and at a lower price. The kit focuses on the Whirley-Pop, a tool initially designed for popping old-fashioned popcorn but modified to handle coffee roasting with additions like a thermometer capable of reading temperatures up to 550 degrees Fahrenheit. The kit as includes an 8-cup French press to make sure the flavors that come with roasting your own coffee beans don't go to waste. There's also a copy of "Home Coffee Roasting: Romance and Revival," a book that goes more in-depth into the process than the tutorial that MoreCoffee also provides. Lastly, 3 pounds of coffee beans are part of the package--it's your choice which three types you get. The starter kit is $64.95.

The MoreCoffee Coffee Starter Kit has just about everything necessary for you to start roasting and brewing great coffee at home. MoreCoffee also makes it easy to order more green coffee beans as you need them, with enough of varieties like Tanzanian Peaberry Hope Mbozi Project and Organic El Salvador Las Lajas RFA to last you weeks--at the same price you would pay for one cup at the coffee shop. The site's wide variety includes organic and Fair Trade beans.