Holy NaCl, Batman! It's a saltshaker!

Batman's wrist communicator shakes salt, doesn't call Robin.

Brian Krepshaw
Brian is the author of two culinary based books published via his imprint Storkburger Press. A lifelong Californian, he has been consistently exposed to some of the best food in the world. With a deep appreciation for the kitchen, he is always on the lookout for that perfect appliance that combines style and grace with the ever-popular ability to save time.
Brian Krepshaw

Batman's wrist communicator shakes salt, doesn't call Robin. Cookie Jar Collectibles via Oh Gizmo

On some distant birthday past, I received a salt and pepper shaker set. Not an ordinary set, what with tubular glass canisters tapering up to a functional stainless steel screw top. No, these were teeth. Top ridge for the salt, separate bottom for the pepper.

As confusing as I found the gift to be, there was something pretty cool about it. I mean everybody uses salt and pepper right? Why not make a cool delivery device for them? For some reason or another, I had a vague knowledge that people collected shaker sets and I imagined that I could build upon my newly gifted set of ceramic teeth by perhaps continuing the tradition with a set of ears, eyes, arms, and legs. With the human body and its love for symmetry, I imagined a plethora of potential designs for the shaking of salt, so why not try to complete the set?

This Batman wrist communicator would have been an awesome choice to accessorize my finished collection--had it ever got started. The teeth are still sitting on the counter waiting for others to come in and complete the collection. I don't know if they will ever have company in the form of other like-minded shaker sets. One thing for sure is that even if this cool Batman wrist communicator can't call Robin, salt and pepper shakers might not be just for little old ladies anymore.

Sorry, no utility belt included.