Grand Theft Auto III: PS2 and iOS versions compared

Rockstar has re-released GTA III on iOS and Android, but how do these new versions compare with the original classic on the PlayStation 2?

Joseph Hanlon Special to CNET News
Joe capitalises on a life-long love of blinking lights and upbeat MIDI soundtracks covering the latest developments in smartphones and tablet computers. When not ruining his eyesight staring at small screens, Joe ruins his eyesight playing video games and watching movies.
Joseph Hanlon

Ignore the play button in the screenshot above; the actual video is below.
(Credit: CBSi)

Rockstar is celebrating the 10th anniversary of re-releasing its sandbox classic Grand Theft Auto III on the iOS and Android mobile platforms.

But how do these new versions stack up to the original as it was released on the PlayStation 2? Our friends at GameSpot have captured both versions playing, and have compiled them into a video showing the opening cutscene as it looks on the PS2 and on an iPad.