Google VR is bringing Pride parades to your living room

Google's Pride for Everyone program will let you watch Pride parades anywhere in the world.

David Priest Former editor
David Priest is an award-winning writer and editor who formerly covered home security for CNET.
David Priest

Google is bringing Pride parades from around the world to a VR set near you. The project is called #prideforeveryone.

Pride parades are an important part of the LGBT community and its history, but for many individuals, attending such events just isn't realistic. Reasons can range from the mundane -- like not being able to take time off work, or living too far away from a city hosting a parade -- to ones that are much more extreme.

According to Google, over 70 countries around the world still outlaw being gay, so participation in the larger global LGBT community isn't possible for millions of people.

#prideforeveryone's VR component has the potential for greater immersion than simply broadcasting events, and that feeling of participation is core to the Pride parade experience.