Global warming, climate change, drought, facts

Harry Fuller Executive editor, CNET News.com
Harry Fuller escaped from television work to be executive editor at CNET News.com.
Harry Fuller

Drought sounds like a dry subject. But here's a cool website about this hot topic. Interactive, colorful, reality-based. And no matter what you think about the climate change arguments, this website lets you see for yourself. As Charles Cooper's podcast this week explains, any time someone utters the words"Global warming," someone else says, "Them's fightin' words."

So here's data, without commentary. The University of Nebraska gives it a catchy title, "Drought Impact Reporter." The site aggregates data about droughts in the United States since 1850. And you can go and look at any month or year or group of years. Geek out on droughts through history.

My favorite year? 1979. Last time the U.S. went without a drought.