Global Village script change eliminates disconnect delay

Global Village script change eliminates disconnect delay

CNET staff
Jim Stoneburner found that delays when disconnecting from a PPP connection (a topic occasionally mentioned on MacFixIt) using a Global Village x2 modem were due the modem script he was using. Oddly, an older script (v.1.0.7) disconnected in about 2 seconds while a newer one (v.1.0.9; GV x2 for ARA 2.1/OT-PPP) took about 10 seconds. The new version claims to have "fixed hang up code and added TIES support."

The critical difference is in a section with the label: "Escape from data to command mode using TIES AT\13 command" in the new version vs. "Escape from data to command mode using standard command" in the old version. Swapping this section of the script of the newer version got the disconnect delay to vanish. However, as side-effects of doing this swap are uncertain, you may be better off just using the older script - assuming you have this delay.