Global Village modem script error (and how to fix it)

Global Village modem script error (and how to fix it)

CNET staff
2 min read
Downgrade work-around script Previously, we reported that a Global Village "work-around" script to revert a V.90 upgraded modem back down to x2 may have actually downgraded the modem back to a 14.4K modem. B. Allyn, who first informed us of this, now claims to have the cause and solution: there is a mistake in the modem script file.

There's a comment line in the script that reads:
! S32=82 Disable V.90

But the actual implemented code is:
write "AT&F1S32=64S7=90\13

B. Allyn writes that the comment line (S32=82 disables V.90) is correct but the init string has S32=64, "which disables something completely different and doesn't allow (for me anyway) anything higher than 14400. I tweaked mine to the right setting (S32=82) and am happily connecting at 50666 using x2 into my ISP's V.90 USR arrays. (With the regular script, I always connect using V.90 and lose the carrier within 5 minutes or so.)"

Note: For tips on how to edit a modem script, check out Editing OT/PPP Modem Scripts.

The V.90 script Meanwhile, Bob Weeks has some complaints about the latest V.90 modem script: "The V.90 upgrade to the firmware supplied to GV by Rockwell and modified so that it could be loaded works fine. However, the accompanying script (on their Web page) still incorrectly handles the V.90 speeds which fall in the between the even speeds. The V.90 speeds are from 28000 to 56000 bits/sec in 8000/6 increments. GV's script only parses the speeds 28000 30000 etc. and will report the speeds such as 50667 as communicating at an unknown rate. I have sent them a modified script but still they persist in posting the old one."