'Game of Thrones' meets Dr. Seuss in 'Oh, The Places It'll Snow'

This mashup of the classic Dr. Seuss book "Oh, the Places You'll Go" and the violent fantasy world of Westeros makes for a whimsical take on the very adult "Game of Thrones" TV series.

Bonnie Burton
Journalist Bonnie Burton writes about movies, TV shows, comics, science and robots. She is the author of the books Live or Die: Survival Hacks, Wizarding World: Movie Magic Amazing Artifacts, The Star Wars Craft Book, Girls Against Girls, Draw Star Wars, Planets in Peril and more! E-mail Bonnie.
Bonnie Burton
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"Game of Thrones" gets the Dr. Seuss treatment in "Oh, The Places It'll Snow."

Alex Cohen

What would the "Game of Thrones" world look like if beloved children's book author Dr. Seuss wrote about Westeros, instead of fantasy book author George R.R. Martin?

Illustrator Alex Cohen takes a look.

"I rewrote the Dr. Seuss poem 'Oh The Places You'll Go' with a 'Game of Thrones' twist, and then illustrated it as a book," Cohen wrote on Imgur. "Took a long time but I like how it came out -- I hope you all enjoy!"

In "Oh, The Places It'll Snow," posted by the illustrator on Monday, we see Jon Snow and his loyal pet direwolf Ghost head out on an adventure.

Of course, the whole homage is written in a typical Seuss-like rhyme, which makes the book even more endearing.

New glimpses of 'Game of Thrones,' season 6 (pictures)

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"You've got your sword in hand, you've taken the black.
But once you've said your vows, you can never go back.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
But unfortunately, you know nothing Jon Snow."

We also see other "Game of Thrones" characters in the book such as Arya and Tyrion, all drawn in perfect Seussian style. Even White Walkers get a shout-out.

Needless to say, just as in the "Game of Thrones" TV series, this book parody also shows many deaths and the Dying Place.

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You can't have a kids book about "Game of Thrones" without a lot of corpses strewn about.

Alex Cohen

But don't worry. There's also a very uplifting message about flying dragons.

The fan-made book is so much fun to read, I actually wish it was an official book I could buy and proudly place on my bookshelf alongside Martin's weighty tomes.

be your name Jon Snow or Arya or Bran,
Tyrion or Dany Targaryen
You've come to Great Places!
Today is your day!
The Game of Thrones is waiting
So...go on and play!"

Read the full parody book "Oh, The Places It'll Snow" on Imgur.