Game of Thrones fans fuming again as another streaming service crashes

Series 4 of Game of Thrones has crashed another online streaming service, with a disastrous premier on both HBO Go and Sky's Now TV leaving viewers madder than Mad King Aerys.

Richard Trenholm Former Movie and TV Senior Editor
Richard Trenholm was CNET's film and TV editor, covering the big screen, small screen and streaming. A member of the Film Critic's Circle, he's covered technology and culture from London's tech scene to Europe's refugee camps to the Sundance film festival.
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Luke Westaway Senior editor
Luke Westaway is a senior editor at CNET and writer/ presenter of Adventures in Tech, a thrilling gadget show produced in our London office. Luke's focus is on keeping you in the loop with a mix of video, features, expert opinion and analysis.
Richard Trenholm
Luke Westaway
3 min read

UK and US viewers were denied Daenerys after streaming services crashed. Screenshot by Michael Franco/CNET
After bringing down HBO Go, series 4 of "Game of Thrones" has seen another online streaming service crash harder than a drunk dragon.

Under the strain of demand for the first episode of the new series of HBO's "Game of Thrones", UK streaming service Now TV buckled like a hedge knight's shield beneath Sandor Clegane's broadsword -- much to the dismay of viewers.

King's Landing from 'Game of Thrones,' Minecraft-style (pictures)

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UK fans with a Sky dish and satellite subscription were able to return to Westeros side-by-side with US viewers as Sky broadcast the first episode on television in the small hours of Sunday night, at the same time as the US premiere. But in stark contrast, when viewers who don't have a dish attempted to watch on Sky's online service Now TV, they encountered error messages telling them they were using too many devices -- leaving fans more disappointed than a guest at the Red Wedding who turned up expecting a bit of a dance and a nice buffet.

"We're aware of a number of reports of NOW TV not working this evening. You might experience slow loading times or error messages which stop you from watching content," says a spokesperson in the Now TV support forum. By 11pm that same spokesperson dispatched a raven to inform viewers that "most customers are now able to use NOW TV as normal, but we're continuing to investigate and will provide a further update when we can."

Sky told me today that viewers should be able to watch the episode now, and it's also available on the Sky Go on-demand streaming service. Update: Sky adds that customers will be offered a "gesture of goodwill." In an email to customers, fans have been offered a free month of Now TV to make up for the pain.

You stream or you die

"It's too bloody late now!" grumbled viewer J_e_n_williams, furious at being kept waiting for her "Thrones" fix. "Should never have signed up and will be warning everyone I know against it."

Many viewers were angrier than a direwolf with fleas. "It's you that's having technical difficulties, not us. Sort it out and deliver the service we've all paid for," says Itwillnotdie. "I told you this would happen last Friday," says Fantorgasmastic. "I TOLD YOU and you completely ignored my comments." Wait, Sky ignored Fantorgasmastic? No wonder there were problems!

Some viewers went as far as cutting off Now TV like an enemy's head. "Just been on and cancelled, thanks for nothing, stick with @netflix!" says Santoka.

Meanwhile the sage Oscarforest gets to the heart of the matter, referring to the "Thrones"-themed Sky adverts currently plastering every flat surface in Britain: "you would have thought with the amount you publicised it you would be ready!"

True Detective is one of the HBO shows available on Sky's Now TV HBO

Technical problems aside, Now TV remains a belter of a bargain. For a mere £5 per month, new episodes of "Game of Thrones" and "True Detective" are joined by every single episode of classic shows from "The Wire" to "Mad Men" and "Girls". Still, that doesn't excuse a complete failure of the most hotly-anticipated -- and heavily-advertised -- show of the year.

British broadcaster Sky has an exclusive deal for HBO shows in the UK, and the two networks have plans to make programmes together in future. Here's hoping they fix their respective streaming services in the meantime.