G4 Cube random sleep bug: the true cause?

G4 Cube random sleep bug: the true cause?

CNET staff
Jason Pierce offers his take on the cause of the random sleep problem with G4 Cubes (see previous coverage, which has been updated to include this item and other new info). Consistent with a previous report, Jason claims the cause is "inadequate shielding of the switch at the top of the G4." "In essence, the entire case is being turned into a switch! The solution is to add shielding/insulation around the button assembly. We were able to repair the problem using electrical tape (used judiciously) around the outside of the metal ring of the button assembly. It should be noted that this does cause decreased sensitivity of the switch and if too much is used it can cause it not to function at all. Currently our technicians are trying to find an insulating gasket of some kind which is thin enough and of the right diameter, to work as a long term solution." Jason claims that other suggested solutions (such as moving the cable going to the switch or switching to a different monitor) may appear to work briefly but are not the true permanent solution.