Facebook's Slingshot lets dialogue flow with reactions to reactions

The social network updates its Snapchat-like photo-sharing app to let users respond to their friends' reactions.

Dara Kerr Former senior reporter
Dara Kerr was a senior reporter for CNET covering the on-demand economy and tech culture. She grew up in Colorado, went to school in New York City and can never remember how to pronounce gif.
Dara Kerr

The conversation can now continue on Slingshot. Facebook

Facebook has been ironing out the kinks of its new photo-sharing app, Slingshot, and now it has smoothed out a major wrinkle.

The social network released an update for the app on Thursday that lets users react to reactions. This means conversations, not to mention jokey banter, will be a whole lot easier.

"We've heard (and seen) how much people love reacting to shots in their feed. So why should the fun end after one reaction?" Facebook wrote in a blog post. "Starting today, you can reply to any reaction with a photo, video, or text."

Slingshot is Facebook's take on "ephemeral messages" -- messages that disappear after a set period of time. It's similar to the hugely popular Snapchat, sending photos and videos that are then deleted, but with a twist: users can't see messages until they send something themselves. Until today, the conversation stopped there, but now users can keep on chatting.

Along with the reactions to reactions feature in Thursday's update, Facebook also added a "My People" feature designed to let users more easily find friends who are also on Slingshot.

"Now you can see everyone you're slinging with in one place at any time," Facebook wrote.