Extensis Suitcase and Adobe InDesign conflict

Extensis Suitcase and Adobe InDesign conflict

CNET staff

Extensis Suitcase, a popular font management tool, has feature in the preferences>general tab called "Allow Suitcase to override system fonts". This allows the user to leave Mac OS X's system fonts alone. For instance, if you have Optima.dbase font in the /Library/Fonts, it no longer conflicts with the Type 1 Optima Postscript font that you may have loaded using Suitcase.

Eric Benfer reports that "Override system fonts" works in all of the graphics applications he uses except for InDesign. In his case, InDesign only shows the typeface in /Library/Fonts (Optima.dbase in the example above) in its font list. If the Optima font is removed from /Library/Fonts, the PostScript Optima shows up in InDesign's font list.

Benfer writes:

"As a work around I am going to pull all the fonts that we have PS equivalents of from /Library/Fonts and /System/Library/Fonts.

"Extensis Tech Support says InDesign handles fonts differently from the other applications and suggests pulling the system fonts too. However, I feel that this is not a really viable solution. This option should work and allow me to leave OS X's Library folders alone."

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


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