Explorer 4.5 "cancel look-up" freeze

Explorer 4.5 "cancel look-up" freeze

CNET staff
Sam Penrose writes: "Enter a single word, like 'macfixit' or 'sony' or whatever in Internet Explorer 4.5's Address bar. Wait for a delay to ensue while the progress bar says "Looking for [your word]", which of course is not a Web address without www. and .com. Now type Command-period to cancel. I get a freeze with a spinning beach ball icon. Force-quit is enough to get me out of it. Running 8.5.1."

When I first tried this, I could not get the freeze to occur. But the wait-delays I had were very brief and I was not sure I even hit the keys before the wait was over. Finally, I happened to try a search on the phrase "Data Fellows." This resulted in a longer wait. Hitting Command-period here did precipitate the freeze that Sam described.

Andrew Halvorsen suggests that if you wait long enough (it may take five minutes or more), it does cancel on its own. A few other readers similarly confirm this.