Eudora 4.2 is out; explanation for update glitch updating from 4.2b84

Eudora 4.2 is out; explanation for update glitch updating from 4.2b84

CNET staff
Eudora Pro 4.2 is at last out in a final version.

Christian Schaffner writes: "I just downloaded Eudora Pro V4.2 final I was using Eudora Pro V4.2b84. Now the installer for the final version is not working. It's telling me that it can't find any version of Eudora Pro and that I will have to rebuild the desktop. But that doesn't help." Others have sent in a similar report.

Update: Greg Brown (of Qualcomm) replies: "As stated on our web page: 'You must have the full version of Eudora Pro 4.0 or greater installed somewhere on your machine for these updaters to work. If you've installed the Eudora Pro 4.2b and deleted the original version of 4.x, you must reinstall the full version, then run the updater.' The installer does not update the Beta. Our beta test was open to everyone who wanted to try it. The update to 4.2 is for our current 4.x customers who purchased the product."