EarthLink unstuff glitch; Eject key=Power key?; more

EarthLink unstuff glitch; Eject key=Power key?; more

CNET staff
EarthLink unstuff problems reported Several readers (including Steve Turner and Louis Samelson) found that they could not unstuff/open the new EarthLink Total Access 2.1.7 software. One reader found that using the ftp link solved this problem. Eject key = Power key? This item has been moved to Desktop Macs: Summer 2000. IomegaWare 2.5 gone The previously posted IomegaWare 2.5 (noted here last week) was pulled from the Iomega site. Command-Tab: FileMaker vs. Mac OS FileMaker Pro uses Command-Tab and Command-Shift-Tab for for navigating records and layouts. Unfortunately, these commands are also used by the Mac OS's Application Switcher. This page explains how to conveniently resolve this problem for FileMaker (or any other application). Update: Tim Rinkel notes: "Prestissimo also handles the Application Switcher settings as well as scrollbar and Application Palette settings." SpaceAgent and Mizer Insider Software purchased Antimony Software awhile ago. Insider's new SpaceAgent software is based on Antimony's Mizer program.