Earphones come with built-in earrings

Sabena Suri
Sabena Suri
is a CNET News.com intern.
Sabena Suri

The EarMecca EP Series Earphones are an attempt to break the all-too-accurate stereotype that headphones aren't exactly fashion-forward. True as this may be, the new earring-type earphones, which we found on Gizmodo, aren't exactly the latest and greatest in fashion tech either.

EarMecca EP Series Earphones
Credit: EarMecca

The buds come in a variety of colors and have matching dangling earrings in designs like crosses, hearts and pearls. Problem is, the earrings aren't exactly cute. What sophisticated woman wants to wear earrings with a tiny silver star and a fake ruby in the center?

Either way, if you want some of this jewelry, you'll probably have to fly to Korea. Neither the release date in the U.S. nor the price has been made public.