Drive Alert Master: A new angle on drowsy driving

Drive Alert Master: a new angle on drowsy driving

Kevin Massy


We've seen all kinds of innovative concepts lately from car manufacturers trying to prevent people from falling asleep at the wheel. From Infiniti's Lane Departure Warning system to BMW's vibrating steering wheel to Volvo's coffee-break notification system, these optional systems use all kinds of technology to keep drivers conscious, but they nearly always come as part of pricey technology package. Fortunately, it turns out there is a budget option for those wanting to stay awake at the wheel in the form of the Drive Alert Master. This $15 device hooks around a driver's ear in a similar way to a Bluetooth headset and relies on a tilt sensor to detect when the driver's head is nodding. When a nod is detected, the system emits a shrill, powerful beep to bring you back to your senses. The activation angle can be adjusted from 15 to 30 degrees, depending on the angle at which you nod off. According to Smarthome.com, a retailer of the device, the Drive Alert Master can be worn "when watching movies at home, during early morning classes, or while attending all-day meetings."

We suggest you check out this comical videofrom the Detroit Free Press' technology correspondent before you buy one, though, as it appears that a 30-degree nod might be more than enough to get you into trouble on the freeway.

Via: Detroit Free Press