
An interactive service that hosts user-created art

Webware staff

      Category: Community

      DeviantArt is a service that hosts user-created art, be it a photograph, written word, or digital creations. Art creators can post their works for others to see and interact with. Users can comment on any piece of art, sharing it on their blog or Web site, and purchasing it in the integrated store. It's one-part portfolio, and one-part social network, as the more popular artists on the service garner their own fan base and income off art sales.

      In addition to user profiles, portfolios, and the online shop, DeviantArt also has an active set of forums and a built-in private messaging service. Users also get their own blogs.

      The service has been around since 2000, and currently hosts over 37 million pieces of user-generated art. The site's main destinations is its shop, which hosts user artwork and promotes up-and-coming artists based on their popularity on the site.

      Web site: www.DeviantArt.com

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