Dear Sprint, Please Add Text Forwarding!!

I can forward my calls from my previous number, but I can not forward my texts. Since I text more than I talk, this is quite annoying.

Erica Mueller

Dear Sprint,

Living with Two Phones
Palm Pre and Samsung Instinct Erica Mueller

While I have been a faithful customer for almost 6 years and have been pretty happy with your services, I am now forced to make a complaint.

You see, I was chosen for this amazing promotion where I received a free Palm Pre in exchange for blogging about it and my experience with the Sprint Now Network, on CNET. I'm very grateful for th 3 months of free service you have provided those of us participating in this test-drive, but here's the deal...

I'm having to use two separate phones until the free service runs out in September and I can finally add the Palm Pre to my own Sprint account. Yes, I can forward my calls from my previous number, but I can not forward my texts. Since I text more than I talk, this is quite annoying. Who wants to carry, keep track of charging, and remember to throw two smart phones in their purse?

I know your customers probably don't run into situations like this on a daily basis, but surely there are others who would like to be able to forward their text messages?

I am more than ready to say goodbye to my Samsung Instinct and say hello to having just one phone to keep track of. I want that phone to be the Palm Pre.