Day 30 - My Overall Impressions

While many things impressed me, and I had very few disappointments with the Palm Pre, I'm just going to touch on a few of the major things I liked and disliked.

Erica Mueller

Here we are at day thirty. Wondering where the time has gone and where we'll go from here. One thing I know, wherever it is life finds me, the Palm Pre will be with me!

While many things impressed me, and I had very few disappointments, I'm just going to touch on a few of the major things I liked and disliked.


Design. I can't say enough about the slick, modern look and feel of the Palm Pre. It really is in a class all of it's own.

Palm Synergy. Linking my contacts from several different places, combining multiples, and even pulling pictures from my contact's profiles is amazing.

Activity Cards. This is one of those genius ideas that should have been implemented long ago. Being able to switch between apps without losing your place saves a lot of time and frustration.

Quick Upload of photos to Facebook.

Great apps for business minded users.


Can't turn off the camera's shutter sound.

Can't specify ringers for voice mail and text messages.

No video camera.

No external media card.