Conflict Catcher 8 and extension memory allocation: one more time

Conflict Catcher 8 and extension memory allocation: one more time

CNET staff
Last time, we described details of how Conflict Catcher decides how much memory an extension uses. Jeff Robbin, author of Conflict Catcher, offers this additional information:
Conflict Catcher only reports on the memory used and not freed during the execution of INIT resources at startup. If an extension releases its memory later or uses more memory later, Conflict Catcher is unable to detect it.

In addition, Conflict Catcher also doesn't account for the fact that an extension might need even more memory than what is reported as used while it is executing at startup. For example, often the code for the extension is loaded and then released. This code is not counted as memory used by the extension, so the peak memory requirements for an extension might still be greater than the amount reserved for it in the sysz resource.