Compressed FaxSTF Pages; Solution

Compressed FaxSTF Pages; Solution

CNET staff

Under the latest version of FaxSTF (10.0.8), when used in junction with Acrobat Reader 5.1 and Mac OS OS X 10.2.x, printed or faxed pages become vertically compressed, making documents virtually unreadable. Smith Micro's technical support departmet offered the following explanation and workaround to one user:

""This is caused by a problem in Acrobat 5. It is not a settings issue. Adobe is aware of this issue and is planning to create a fix.

"It is still possible to fax PDF files, however. We recommend that you open the PDF file in Preview instead of Acrobat Reader and fax from that application instead. Open the Applications folder, then double-click on Preview. Click the 'File' menu and select 'Open...' Choose the PDF that you want to fax. Then fax it as you would normally."

A recently posted Apple Knowledge Base article discusses a problem where, under Mac OS X 10.2.x, multiple users of FaxSTF cannot use the same queue to send faxes.


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