Claris Emailer date problem

Claris Emailer date problem

CNET staff
The Y2K problem may have arrived a year early for Claris Emailer. Version 1.1 of Emailer (but apparently not 2.x) has a problem with the year 1999. In particular, Emailer 1.1.x may list the Sent and Received dates with the year 1919 rather than 1999. (Thanks, Terry Mason, Frank Meyer, Matt Ferguson and Ken Kashmarek.)

It does not seem to happen in all cases; according to Terry, it happens only if the message uses a 4 digit year (1999) in its header, rather than a 2 digit year (99). Unchecking "Use sender's date/time for received mail" at least gets the messages to sort correctly by date in the Inbox window.