CFM-68K Runtime Enabler: Mac OS 7.6 just says no?

CFM-68K Runtime Enabler: Mac OS 7.6 just says no?

CNET staff
Speaking of the CFM-68K Runtime Enabler, readers familiar with this issue know that Apple recommends not using this software because of potential crashes that can occur. However, according to several reader reports, Mac OS 7.6 goes one step further: it refuses to recognize the file even if you install it. For example, you may get a message saying that CFM is not installed. Essentially, you are blocked from using it even if you want to take the risk. Presumably, 7.6.1 will eliminate this block.

Update: John Bafford points out that you can get the CFM Enabler to load simply by changing its creator - from "cfm8" to anything else (such as "CFM8").