Buzz Out Loud 823: Sad trombone

Whence comes the sad trombone, and other questions of great worldly importance dominate today's discussions, but there is, in fact, other technology news today. For example, Steve Jobs is OK but citizen journalism may not be.

Molly Wood Former Executive Editor
Molly Wood was an executive editor at CNET, author of the Molly Rants blog, and host of the tech show, Always On. When she's not enraging fanboys of all stripes, she can be found offering tech opinions on CBS and elsewhere, and offering opinions on everything else to anyone who will listen.
Molly Wood
3 min read
Whence comes the sad trombone, and other questions of great worldly importance dominate today's discussions, but there is, in fact, other technology news today. For example, Steve Jobs is OK, but citizen journalism may not be; iTunes isn't going to have to shut down after all (but copyright pricing remains outrageously stupid); and Microsoft extends the life of the Windows XP loophole...presumably all the way to Windows 7's doorstep.
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Steve Jobs heart attack… not

Music publishers keep same download rate, Apple keeping iTunes open

Microsoft gives users 6 months longer to flee from Vista

Cybercriminals syndicating Google Trends keywords to serve malware

South Korea’s free computer-game business model hits the U.S.

Sega to launch PSP beater in 2009

Linux rescues battery life on Vista notebooks from Dell

Hands on with Sony’s new PRS-700 digital reader

Oops I’m Late’ phones ahead for you

Bank robber hires decoys on Craigslist, fools cops

Mike: CDMA SIM cards

Dan from Ohio: How are they tracking these Firefox downloads?


Control music with your brain--need I say more?
by benofsky–2008 - 10/1/08 4:19 p.m.

Gizmodo in Australia has an interesting article about a company that is producing a type of headband/music-player which will read your brain waves and play music that is appropriate for your mood. Of course, currently they’re using an audio format (MXP4), which allows for multiple versions of the same song, such that they can shift the version of the song depending upon your mood. It doesn’t seem a far cry away to have such a player selecting music based upon your mood instead, however!



I became so enraged by Molly’s little rant about the removal of
streaming content on Netflix, that I signed on to leave them a nasty-
gram. But guess what? The missing seasons of both The Office and
Heroes are back for online streaming. Maybe they were just doing some
maintenance. Or…maybe they heard you, Molly!

Washington, D.C.


Hey Jamoto +1,

About yesterday’s discussion about disappearing Netflix content: I had started season 1 of 30 Rock last weekend. It showed up in my queue with a note that said it was available until October 1. My guess is that it wasn’t a Netflix decision, it wasn’t related to the added content, and since the season premiere is at the end of the month, the suits in charge probably think scarcity will drive up sales on iTunes. *cough, torrent, cough*

[insert molly rant here]

love the show.
engnr_chik from the chat


Hey Jamoto,

Thursday, after the story about Aussie’s phones having the wrong time,
Molly uttered the melodic universal mark of failure: Wah waah. Anybody
know the origin of that utterance? Perhaps a Vaudeville trombonist? I
ask because I occasionally use it myself, and my five-year-old son has
*hilariously* picked up on it.

“Dad, can I play the Wii?!”
“We’re about to leave. There’s no time.”
“Wah wah waah.”

While writing this e-mail, I’ve come up with a great name for it: The Fail Wail.



Hey, a little well actually,

You guys had a little confusion about the resolution of the camera in the Nintendo DSi.

The DSi has two cameras, one on the outside that is 3 megapixels, as well as another inside on the hinge that is VGA, so 0.3 megapixels. (I thought of attaching an image, but i realize you guys could Google one faster than you could open an attachment…)

Anyways, love the show
