Bronze keyboard PowerBooks and modem sounds

Bronze keyboard PowerBooks and modem sounds

CNET staff
Mychailo Toloczko found that the "whine" emanating from his new PowerBook G3 was related to the modem. The whine appeared just as he was making a PPP disconnect. He adds: " Every time the modem is activated, it switches the sound input to the modem. Normally, I have an audio CD in the DVD drive, so as soon as the modem makes a connection, I switch back to the music." Anthony Burokas also recently wrote of a similar modem "squawk" when online and of the modem changing the sound setting.

About a month ago, Ben Rosenthal sent us a note with related information: "The internal modem speaks through the internal speaker, fighting off any other sounds already there. So, whenever Remote Access opens my Internet connection, it cancels the sound of the music I have playing in the background, rather than allowing the two to mutually coexist."