<b>Power Macintosh 6500: Freeze at Startup (an Apple TIL file report)

<b>Power Macintosh 6500: Freeze at Startup (an Apple TIL file report)

CNET staff
According to a recent Apple TIL file: If you have a Power Macintosh 5500/6500 or 20th Anniversary Macintosh running either Mac OS 7.6.1 or Mac OS 8, you may get a freeze at startup prior to any extensions loading. Here's the explanation:

"These Macs can ship with a Geoport modem card pre-installed. The Geoport modem card depends on a Shared Library in the Extensions folder called 'Serial (Built-in).' If this Shared Library is disabled using the Extensions Manager or removed from the Extensions folder," the freeze may occur. However, you can start up by using the Shift key method to disable all extensions.