<b>OS8foto fixes Ofoto and Mac OS 8 incompatibility

<b>OS8foto fixes Ofoto and Mac OS 8 incompatibility

CNET staff
Jon Hueras has done some detective work on the documented incompatibility between Ofoto scanner software and Mac OS 8. He writes: "Contrary to popular belief, it turns out that the problem doesn't have anything to do with sticky menus. The problem lies with some changes they made to the behavior of the TrackControl system call. Ofoto was written before the standard Popup Menu control was introduced by Apple, so they rolled their own. The new Appearance Manager breaks the Control DefProc Ofoto uses. I actually got it working by manually patching Ofoto."

However, as the patch may be highly sensitive to exactly what version of Ofoto you have, he decided on another approach to a solution that should work for all Ofoto versions: He wrote an extension, called OS8foto, that patches TrackControl. The patch only has an effect if Ofoto is the current application when TrackControl is called. With this installed Ofoto's pop-up menus should work as intended.