Saying good bye to the bloggers and saying hello to a life with the Pre

Paula Collins
3 min read

As the songs goes "IT'S SO HARD TO SAY GOOD BYE!" This is the finale of a beautiful experience. I've never won anything before and it was truly a great surprise to me when I won the Palm Pre as well as the opportunity to blog about it. I've never blogged before so this was a eye opening experience. I've been reading some of the other bloggers experiences with the Palm Pre and I must say I've learned a lot. I also learned a lot with my own experience on the Pre.

A few weeks ago a critic said that all this blogging about the Pre is "transparent", in other words, if someone gave us the Palm Pre we would only write good things about it. Well I'm here to tell you that is not true. In all of these blogs there have been negative and positive things said about the Pre. I don't think anyone held back because someone gave us a phone. I know for myself I have expressed all the negative things about the Pre, for example: 1) I don't like the key pad 2) there is no video recorder 3) there is no voice command dialing for your wired headset 4) no automatic answer with the wired headset like the Palm Pro 5) also no voice recording 6) and last, the size, I would like the Pre to be a bit longer, about the same size of the Palm Pro, I feel more comfortable with that size phone. Now these negatives are all the things I look for in a phone and the Palm Pre does not have them but I do feel they will be added in the future, so I can wait. However, having had the Palm Pre for a few weeks now, the positives really out weigh the negatives as far as importance. Here are all the positives about the Palm Pre: 1) I love the internet, how the Pre will open up videos on the web and play them right on the spot without having to save the file and then open it up later. 2) I love how you can open up multiple apps and have them all running at the same time 3) Even though I don't like the key pad I'm really glad it has one because I'd prefer a literal key pad rather than a virtual one, I make to many mistakes with the virtual key pad. 4) I love the 3.2 mega pixel camera and flash, takes awesome pictures 5) I like the Apps store, sure there aren't enough but I'm sure with time and lots of patience the Apps will come rolling in. 6) I like the fact that you can put your old Palm OS with the use of Classic Apps on the Pre. If you have any old games or programs you can install them there and they'll run fine. 7) I really like the fact that the Pre has a very loud speaker. Easy to listen to music as well as hear a person clearly on a phone call. So you see the positives do out weigh the negatives. This is the phone I've been waiting for and as soon as I can put it into my name I will be selling my Blackberry Curve and my Palm Pro on E-bay.

Now for the hard part, to say "GOOD BYE!" I've had a great time blogging about the Palm Pre and I just want to say thanks to the powers that be, CBS Interactive, Sprint and CNET, for opening up this forum to "TEST DRIVE THE PALM PRE" and for picking me as a blogger. The irony of life is "WITH TIME EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE, NOTHING STAYS THE SAME" so like a chameleon I'm changing and moving on with the rest of my life, hand in hand, side by side with the Palm Pre. It's been a blast blogging with the other bloggers and hopefully in the future we'll cross paths again. Life is good, so take care and until we meet again, PEACE. ;o)