Author George R.R. Martin joins Twitter

The technology-adverse "Game of Thrones" author tweets about not tweeting that much. Good thing he reminded us of his Livejournal blog.

Bonnie Burton
Journalist Bonnie Burton writes about movies, TV shows, comics, science and robots. She is the author of the books Live or Die: Survival Hacks, Wizarding World: Movie Magic Amazing Artifacts, The Star Wars Craft Book, Girls Against Girls, Draw Star Wars, Planets in Peril and more! E-mail Bonnie.
Bonnie Burton

George R.R. Martin takes a break from writing on his next novel on a DOS machine to tweet. Video screenshot by Bonnie Burton/CNET

While fans wait impatiently for the next installment of his "A Song of Ice and Fire" book series, we can now eagerly stare at Twitter for hours hoping that author George R.R. Martin tweets something to tide us over.

The "Game of Thrones" author joined Twitter Monday under the name GRRMspeaking with a reminder that fans should read his Livejournal blog instead.

"I don't tweet all that much, please check out my live journal page. ;)" Martin tweeted with the hashtag ‪ #myfirstTweet.

His publisher, Random House, confirmed the Twitter account does indeed belong to Martin.

"Are you following a #GRRM impersonator?" Random House tweeted. "We can officially announce that @GRRMspeaking is the real deal (though he won't be tweeting much)..."

The fact that Martin now tweets may surprise his fans especially since last month, Martin confessed to late-night talk-show host Conan O'Brien that he prefers to write his popular books on a DOS word processor instead of the latest laptop.

"I actually have two computers," Martin told Conan. "I have a computer I browse the Internet with and I get my email on, and I do my taxes on. And then I have my writing computer, which is a DOS machine, not connected to the Internet. I use WordStar 4.0 as my word processing system."

Here's hoping Martin's new Twitter account doesn't distract him too much from finishing his next book.