Audio Nation, it's a state of mind

If you listen, really listen to music, sorry pal, you're an audiophile.

Steve Guttenberg
Ex-movie theater projectionist Steve Guttenberg has also worked as a high-end audio salesman, and as a record producer. Steve currently reviews audio products for CNET and works as a freelance writer for Stereophile.
Steve Guttenberg

It's a small island, populated by audiophiles, but please don't look down on us for our devotion to good sound.

Yes, it might seem a little strange to outsiders, but we like to hear music the way the producers and musicians did when they recorded it. If they put a whole lot of blood, sweat, and tears into creating it, it might be worth listening to. Sure, you can play and enjoy music over freebie headphones or $20 computer speakers, just don't kid yourself that you're hearing everything, or more important, the emotion that went into the music.

Computer speakers vs. the real thing. Steve Guttenberg

But don't get the wrong idea, we're not elitists, we just place a higher priority on listening than most people. That is, we listen, most don't. Sure, they have music on all the time, as background sound while they work, drive, exercise, read, etc, but never just listen. For those that do occasionally listen, well, I'd say they're audiophiles. So you see, it's a state of mind. Listening, appreciating music should be enough, if it's great music why relegate it to the background?

Being an audiophile doesn't mean you're into vinyl, vacuum tubes, or that you're made of money. No, we audiophiles just love the sound of music. So if you listen please join us on the island and whatever your budget, get better sounding gear.

The speaker on the right is an Usher S-520 ($400/pair). It's 12 inches high; the small round speaker came with my old iMac.