AppleShare IP and Windows; Software Update fixes; more

AppleShare IP and Windows; Software Update fixes; more

CNET staff
Accessing AppleShare IP from Windows TIL article #24448 on "AppleShare IP 6: Using Windows File Sharing Feature" has been updated. It explains how to configure Microsoft Networking to see a ASIP server in the Network Neighborhood. This can help get PCs to properly see an ASIP server. Getting Software Update to list all files Jeff Lauterette found that Software Update control panel would sometimes report no new updates are available, even though he knew they were. After he trashed the Software Update Prefs file, the control panel listed the "missing" updates. Other reports suggest deleting the Updatable Items file (also in the Preferences folder) may also help. Mac aRa Modem Magic features a collection of 116 modem scripts. (Thanks, Tracy Turner.) AirPort does not call back? Massimo Mauro writes: "AirPort 1.2 does not support call-back methods on Remote Access connections (available on ARA since ARA 3.0). This is a problem in corporate environments where, for security reasons, call-back is required." Terminus slow downs and OpenGL 1.1.3 To prevent possible slowdowns when running Terminus Demo, try downgrading from OpenGL 1.1.3 to 1.1.2. (Thanks, Michael Kornienko.)