AppleShare IP 6.1 server fails to write files to disk

AppleShare IP 6.1 server fails to write files to disk

CNET staff
Nick Brooker describes a worrisome "bug" involving AppleShare IP 6.1: One day, all changes to documents (new and modified) on his server were not saved. No error message appeared to this effect. To the user, it seemed that everything was fine - until they checked the document. New documents were 0K in size and modified documents were still the old version. Nick writes: "It turned out that the AppleShare server was not writing any changes to disk. What happened was that a Sherlock search on the server caused it to run out of memory and display the 'try again/reboot' dialog. The staff on duty left it alone, thinking it would be better than restarting the server in the middle of the day. All the time the dialog was up, no changes were written to disk." After restarting the server, all returned to normal.