Apple misinformation

Apple misinformation

CNET staff
Don't believe everything you hear - even if it is an Apple rep that is telling you. Reader Lynn Hess provides two examples:

She contacted the Apple Store to ask if the new graphics card shipping with the current G4 Macs would be available to G4 owners with older cards - supposedly for $99. One Apple Store rep replied: "The information about selling the card separately to purchasers of the early G4/Sawtooth units was most likely a rumor."

If so, it's a rumor being spread by Apple itself. Check out this press release. Happily, another rep, on a second call, confirmed this for her.

On another occasion, an Apple tech support person was adamant that the DVD Player 2.0 beta and 2.0 (non-beta) versions were identical. Therefore, she needn't worry about how to get the new version. When she said she had heard otherwise on MacFixIt, "he even went on to say that 60% of the information that one gets from sources such as MacFixIt, MacInTouch and MacWEEK is incorrect."

Be that as it may (and we make no claim to perfection), we were not incorrect this time. Check out these items for the details.

Anyway, where did he get his 60% number? How did he determine it was not 58% or 64%?

[Sorry, after hearing the anti-MacFixIt jab, I couldn't resist taking a swipe here myself. Normally, I would take the "high road" and ignore this stuff.]