Alphabet Cake Pan spells delicious

Cake pan designed to facilitate easy molding of alphabet letters could also be used to create one-of-a-kind cake mashups.

Brian Krepshaw
Brian is the author of two culinary based books published via his imprint Storkburger Press. A lifelong Californian, he has been consistently exposed to some of the best food in the world. With a deep appreciation for the kitchen, he is always on the lookout for that perfect appliance that combines style and grace with the ever-popular ability to save time.
Brian Krepshaw
Learning the ABC's the delcious way. Kitchen Krafts

Looking at the Alphabet Cake Pan, the first thing I think is that I would be able to bake two (or three, or four...) different cakes in one pan--at the same time. I have often wrestled with the age-old question, which type of cake should I make? Ultimately, as I wait for the whichever cake I chose, I realize I should have made both. Now, with the Alphabet Cake Pan, I can.

The pan measures 14 inches long by 8.5 inches wide and comes with 12 hollow blocks. An imprinted grid on the bottom of the pan serves as a guide for arranging the blocks into patterns to form letters and numbers. Simply place the blocks as desired (you can follow the included guide book, if so inclined) and pour batter around the blocks. When removed, the negative space left by the blocks creates the pattern.

But why stop there? For the undecided types (like me), this is a great cake pan because it lets you bake more than one type of cake at once (as long as they have the same cooking times, that is). For those of us who can't easily make up our minds, we can finally have our cake and eat another one, too.