Actor Morgan Freeman ingests helium, vanishes into wormhole

To publicize its docu-series "Through the Wormhole," the Science Channel presents Morgan Freeman and a balloon.

Chris Matyszczyk

Morgan Freeman, age 3. VidsVids/YouTube screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET

Science might be terribly fascinating.

But to real people, it's still hard work.

So if you're the Science Channel and you want people to get excited about the return of docuseries "Through The Wormhole," you have to stoop to conquer.

Please imagine the production meeting.

Producer to Morgan Freeman: "We need to do something a little more, well, populist."

Freeman to producer: "You want me to play the president again?"

Producer to Freeman: "Not quite. We'd like you to talk like a baby."

Freeman to producer: "I can do that."

So it came to pass that Morgan Freeman was given a helium-filled balloon and 30 seconds to entertain and excite.

He begins as Morgan Freeman, age 76.

Then he sucks on his balloon and continues as Morgan Freeman, age 3.

Yet even Morgan Freeman aged 3 manages a certain gravitas that most 3-year-olds fail to reach.

It seems that the Science Channel's whimsy has already been rewarded. In the two days since this video slipped onto YouTube, it's been watched by more than 3.5 million people.

I wonder, though, how many will remember to tune in on June 4.