How to use Facebook subscriptions

Facebook recently introduced a subscribe button that works like Twitter's follow button. We'll show you how to use it to add or share content.

Ed Rhee
Ed Rhee, a freelance writer based in the San Francisco Bay Area, is an IT veteran turned stay-at-home-dad of two girls. He focuses on Android devices and applications while maintaining a review blog at techdadreview.com.
Ed Rhee
3 min read

Facebook recently introduced a Subscribe button that's similar to how Twitter's follow button works.  It opens up a whole new way to add content to your News Feed or to share content with others.  So get ready, because we're about to show you how to follow Mark Zuckerberg's and Sharon Vaknin's updates, even if they don't accept your friend request.

Subscribing to Facebook users

In the past, most Facebook users limited the information they shared with everyone and allowed only friends to view their updates. That's why even if you wanted to read Mark Zuckerberg's updates, you probably couldn't, unless you were his actual friend. Now, you can find his profile (Timeline) and click on the Subscribe button to read his public updates in your own News Feed. After you've clicked the Subscribe button, it changes to "Subscribed."

Facebook Subscribe button
Screenshot by Ed Rhee

Once you're subscribed to someone's public updates, you can choose what updates you want to appear in your News Feed by clicking on the Subscribed button. You can choose from Life Events, Status Updates, Photos, Games, Comments and Likes, Other Activity, and Music and Videos. You can also choose the number of updates you'd like by selecting All Updates, Most Updates, or Only Important.

Choose updates
Screenshot by Ed Rhee

To see all the public updates you've subscribed to, go to your profile (Timeline) and click on the subscriptions box; this will show you a list of all your public subscriptions. You can manage your public subscriptions from this list as well. You'll also notice that there's a link at the top called "friend subscriptions." By default, you're subscribed to everything from your friends. To manage your friends' updates, click on the "friend subscriptions" link.

Subscriptions list
Screenshot by Ed Rhee

Remember that any comments you make to a public update, will also be public, so watch what you type!

Allowing Facebook subscribers

If you're a celebrity, journalist, public figure, or you just want to put yourself out there, go here and click on the Allow Subscribers button to allow Facebook users to subscribe to your public updates.

Allow subscribers
Screenshot by Ed Rhee

After you've clicked on the Allow Subscribers button, a pop-up window will appear that'll allow you to edit subscribe settings.

Edit subscribe settings
Screenshot by Ed Rhee

To view your list of subscribers, go to your profile (Timeline) and click on the Subscribers box. If you change your mind and want to turn off public subscriptions, just click on the Settings button and under the Subscribers section, click the drop-down box and select Off, then click the OK button.

Turn off subscribers
Screenshot by Ed Rhee

To post a public update, click the drop-down box to the left of the Post button, and select Public.

Post public update
Screenshot by Ed Rhee

Keep in mind that when you allow Facebook users to subscribe to your public updates, anyone you haven't explicitly blocked is allowed to subscribe to you. Also, remember that when you change your post type to "Public," it will remain that way the next time you post. Make sure to get in the habit of checking it so you don't accidentally post something publicly that was meant to be private.

That's it.The Subscribe button is a great new way to follow your favorite celebrity, journalist, or other interesting people. And if you are a celebrity or journalist, it's a great way to keep your fans engaged.