Get Web articles delivered to your Inbox in PDF form

Grab the articles you want to read on the Web and see them in your e-mail later.

Nicole Cozma
Nicole Cozma has an affinity for Android apps and devices, but loves technology in general. Based out of the Tampa Bay Area, she enjoys being a spectator to both sunsets and lightning storms.
Nicole Cozma

In order to hang onto those articles you want to read but might forget about later, you need to keep some sort of list. Magazinify offers the ability to keep tabs on the things you want to read, and even send them to your e-mail inbox all in one PDF. With this service, you can read content in your browser, on your PC, or even transfer it to an eReader. Best of all, it'll be in magazine format, but only feature stories you actually want to read! Here's how to get started:

Step 1: Head to Magazinify.com and sign up for a free account.

Screenshot by Nicole Cozma

Step 2: Activate your account by clicking the link they provide via e-mail.

Screenshot by Nicole Cozma

Step 3: Login and adjust the personal settings to fit your preferences (update intervals, time zone, etc.).

Screenshot by Nicole Cozma

Step 4: Drag the Magizinify bookmarklet to your Bookmarks bar (or menu).

Screenshot by Nicole Cozma

Step 5: Click the bookmarklet on any article/site you want to read at a later time. A pop-up message will appear to tell you the page has been added to your queue.

Screenshot by Nicole Cozma
Barnes & Noble Nook Color

If you accidentally click the bookmarklet on a page you don't want to save for later, you can manage your queue by logging into the Magazinify Web site.

That's it. The pages you clicked the bookmarklet on will be sent to your inbox at the specified time interval, in PDF! Now load it on your NookKindle, or tablet and your favorite online content becomes mobile.