'Guitar Hero' comes to your bike...Wha??!!

The coolest Guitar Hero video that I've yet to see. Bike Hero is just what its name implies, Guitar Hero recreated on a bike.

Eric Franklin Former Editorial Director
Eric Franklin led the CNET Tech team as Editorial Director. A 20-plus-year industry veteran, Eric began his tech journey testing computers in the CNET Labs. When not at work he can usually be found at the gym, chauffeuring his kids around town, or absorbing every motivational book he can get his hands on.
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  • Once wrote 50 articles in one month.
Eric Franklin

With enough passion, skill, and time on your hands you can do anything. IMO though, the most important of these three attributes is "time on your hands." This is made evident by the coolest Guitar Hero video that I've yet to see. Bike Hero is just what its name implies, Guitar Hero recreated on a bike.

Now before you start prepping your "Bike Band" (you know, Rock Band on a bike) video, it should be noted that according to Creativity Online, this video was created by ad agency, Droga5, and not just a couple of suburban teenagers with too much time on their hands.

Still, someone had to actually do it, so it's still impressive