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'The Last of Us' Trailer Gives New Look at HBO's Creepy Upcoming Series

Go west, young fan. In the official trailer, HBO gives another glimpse of its live-action adaptation of the celebrated video game.

Edward Moyer Senior Editor
Ed is a many-year veteran of the writing and editing world who enjoys taking sentences apart and putting them back together. He also likes making them from scratch. For nearly a quarter of a century, he's edited and written stories about various aspects of the technology world, from the US National Security Agency's controversial spying techniques to historic NASA space missions to 3D-printed works of fine art. Before that, he wrote about movies, musicians, artists and subcultures.
  • Ed was a member of the CNET crew that won a National Magazine Award from the American Society of Magazine Editors for general excellence online. He's also edited pieces that've nabbed prizes from the Society of Professional Journalists and others.
Edward Moyer
A scary, nasty Last of Us creature crawls up out of the ground and toward the camera as flames rage in the background.

Coming your way this January. Lucky you.

HBO; screenshot by CNET

Last of Us fans have another chance to whet their appetite for HBO's upcoming live-action adaptation of the acclaimed video game. On Saturday, the official trailer for the series hit Twitter. The new HBO original is set to premiere Jan. 15 on the cable channel and HBO Max.

The trailer follows a teaser released in September and offers up new glimpses of a world where a terrifyingly realistic fungal brain infection has turned much of the population into aggressive, cannibalistic mutants.

The series follows survivors Joel and 14-year-old Ellie (Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey) as they trek across a postapocalyptic US two decades after the fall of modern civilization.

Developer Naughty Dog's original PlayStation video game landed on the PS3 in 2013 (and recently got a PS5 remake), with a sequel appearing on the PS4 in 2020.

CNET's Attila Tomaschek and Sean Keane contributed to this report.