Heathrow celebrates Star Wars Day with intergalactic flights

It's Star Wars Day and Heathrow airport has all the hilarious updates you need for your May the 4th flights to Hoth, Endor, Kessel and the Death Star.

Amanda Kooser
Freelance writer Amanda C. Kooser covers gadgets and tech news with a twist for CNET. When not wallowing in weird gear and iPad apps for cats, she can be found tinkering with her 1956 DeSoto.
Amanda Kooser
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At least your space shuttle to Tatooine is on time.


If you're at London's Heathrow Airport today, I'm very sorry to tell you your flight to Hoth has been delayed as we await snow clearance on the runway. I apologize that we can't route you through Jakku instead. Sand storms are making it impossible to land on the planet at this time.

The departure board at Heathrow has taken a turn for the funny side with a delightful Star Wars-themed tribute for Star Wars Day, May the 4th. The board lists flights to famous fictional planets, including Endor (flight number W1CKET), Kashyyyk (flight number WOOK1E) and Alderaan (flight number LE1A). 

Heathrow's Twitter account is a gold mine of Star Wars references today. The departure board is a comedy masterpiece, but the airport also shared at look at an augmented-reality AT-AT hanging out on the tarmac. 

Whoever is running the Heathrow Twitter account is having a blast replying to tweets with offers to book passengers onto space shuttles and dropping lines like "What happens in Takodana, stays in Takodana."

Don't worry if you need to go to Heathrow for a normal flight on planet Earth today. The altered departure board is just showing up on the airport's information screens. The regular departure boards are operating normally.

For May the 4th 2018, a galaxy of Star Wars toys

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