Creepy mechanical hand is always impatient

Mechanical sculptor Nik Ramage created a battery-powered hand whose sole purpose is tapping its fingers.

Amanda Kooser
Freelance writer Amanda C. Kooser covers gadgets and tech news with a twist for CNET. When not wallowing in weird gear and iPad apps for cats, she can be found tinkering with her 1956 DeSoto.
Amanda Kooser
Fingers Mk II
This hand was made for tapping incessantly. Nik Ramage

When you don't have time to be impatient, consider pressing the Fingers Mk II into service to express your displeasure at having to wait around.

Fingers Mk II side
A side view of the mechanics. (Click to enlarge.) Nik Ramage

The mechanical hand consists of resin fingers attached to steel plates. A motor moves the fingers in a rhythmic pattern familiar to anyone who is either bored or an Addams Family fan.

The tapping oddity runs on two AA batteries and will be limited to an edition of 25. It could lend a strange new meaning to giving someone a hand.

The fingers are cast from the artist's own hand. Nik Ramage describes himself as a mechanical sculptor.

Ramage's creative mind also hatched a contraption that wobbles jelly and a gadget that blows on candles. Apparently, he's not much into multitasking.

Fingers Mk II is an update to an earlier version of the hand. The new hand will be available in February for about $930.

(Via Luxury Launches)