$760 USB drive that's not even all gold

At $760, you'd think they could do better

Mike Yamamoto Staff Writer, CNET News.com
Mike Yamamoto is an executive editor for CNET News.com.
Mike Yamamoto

A $760 USB drive? Sure, why not. It would go well with your million-dollar cell phone.

$760 USB key

After all, it's not often you see a storage device that looks like a gold bar embedded with Statsuma Kiriko crystals (as if we've ever heard of them). Akihabara News reports that the 2GB "Mottainai" is made by SolidAlliance, which it says is "an expert for uncommon USB keys." Apparently so, though we might offer a different adjective, given that the Mottainai's case is bronze. At that price, you'd think it would be solid gold.

Once you've come to your senses and want to confess the sins of your egregious excess, you can always switch to one of these.

(Photo: Akihabara News)