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7 of the Best Board Games to Give in 2024

Tabletop gaming is more popular than ever, so give the gift of happiness this year with our top choices.

James Bricknell Senior Editor
James has been writing about technology for years but has loved it since the early 90s. While his main areas of expertise are maker tools -- 3D printers, vinyl cutters, paper printers, and laser cutters -- he also loves to play board games and tabletop RPGs.
Expertise 3D printers, maker tools such as Cricut style vinyl cutters and laser cutters, and traditional paper printers Credentials
  • 6 years working professionally in the 3D printing space / 4 years testing consumer electronics for large websites.
James Bricknell
3 min read
$38 at Amazon
The 100 year anniversary Villainous with two expansions
Villainous (assorted flavors)
Be the bad guy of your favorite movies
$15 at Amazon
Image of Star Wars Rivals
Star Wars Rivals
Best branded card game
$87 at Amazon
Mansions of Madness: 2nd Edition
Like House Hunters, but with monsters
$30 at Amazon
Image of Munchkin
Kick down the door, loot the room
$39 at Amazon
Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion
A streamlined version of the cult favorite
$17 at Amazon
A yellow mat with the floor is lava logo
The Floor is Lava!
Young kids will love it
$88 at Amazon
Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth
Epic exploration and combat in Tolkien's world

As board games continue to increase in popularity, they're also becoming a more frequently requested and beloved gift. There are so many varieties like family games, strategy games, two-player games, but that's not even close to all that are available. With all these options it can be hard to know which one may make the best gift for your board game loving friends and family. What better time to find the right game to gift and sit down to enjoy a round than International Board Game Day on April 11?

My love of tabletop games has supplied me with countless hours of fun. Each game I have received as a gift has been maintained, cherished and frequently played. To advance my gaming experience, I've even begun using a 3D printer to design custom board game accessories, like improved monster miniatures and token holders. If this is something that appeals to you, find out how to get started here.

James Bricknell/CNET

Villainous is a fun game where you take control of the villains from a plethora of different movies. Disney, Marvel and Star Wars have their own branded versions of the game, and each is a little different. The main aim of the games is to be the biggest villain and defeat the others by controlling or exploring scenes or sectors. 

Villainous has a lot of main games and expansions, but unlike most game expansions, these can mostly be played as smaller, standalone versions or merged into the larger games for more variety.

James Bricknell/CNET

Don't let the lack of cards in the image fool you (I just really liked the image I took): Star Wars Rivals is a card game made by collectible figure-maker Funko. To win, you have to capture iconic Star Wars locations by having more influence on that location than your opponent. Character cards and action cards let you change the amount of influence and the turn-based style means you can never quite anticipate what your opponent might do. Each round is played pretty quickly, but it's a lot of fun to play multiple rounds. 

The fun hook for Star Wars Rivals is the collectible aspect. You can purchase light- or dark-side booster packs, which include a new figure, two new locations and three action cards, adding a huge amount of variety to the game for just a few extra dollars. This means you can buy the starter pack as a gift and then booster packs as small gifts in the future.

Dan Ackerman/CNET

I keep this on the list with every update because it's easily my favorite "modern" board game, with tons of floor tiles you can use to create a haunted mansion, plus dozens of plastic miniatures for investigators and monsters; the vibe is classic H.P. Lovecraft. This board game requires you to use its companion app, which creates the layout, spawns monsters and even adds sound effects.

Steve Jackson Games

Munchkin has been around for a long time now, but it's still a mainstay of our game nights. Imagine playing a game of D&D where everyone only cares about maxing out their characters and you will have some idea of how to play. The goal is to level up to level 10 by defeating monsters and collecting loot. You do this by using your loot to make your character as powerful as possible, or by asking others to help. They won't always help, but that's part of the fun.

Because Munchkin is such a beloved game, a huge number of add-ons take the game from a 30-45 minute game up to several hours of monster-killing fun, and all of it is played only with cards. It's truly a great time had by all.

Dan Ackerman/CNET

The original and more expensive trailblazer Gloomhaven is a modern classic, but Jaws of the Lion is a streamlined version for more mainstream audiences at a fraction of the price and quickly became a favorite of mine. The cleverest part is that the map tiles were replaced by a spiral-bound book of premade maps. The $35 price is also a nice feature.

Read our first impressions of Jaws of the Lion.

James Bricknell/CNET

Finding fun games for smaller kids is tough. The Floor is Lava! incorporates aspects of the classic Twister game with a lot of jumping around your living room. The soft foam tiles can be spread over a large area and have the added complication of challenges as you play. If you're the last person to get to the right color, your tile is removed until no tiles are left. It's a great game and a budget-friendly option as a gift, too.

Fantasy Flight Games

It's time to get the Fellowship back together. Another board game with a tech twist, it starts with tons of cards, map tiles and miniatures, but it also uses a free iOS, Android and PC app. These add extra narrative content and tell you how to lay out the map and which monsters to fight.

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